Hack Perfect + Hack Change + Auto BU + Can't Perfect (Perfect Line)

Diposting oleh nProtect Indonesia Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

All saya mohon maaf untuk email yang tidak semua saya balas atau pun belum terbalas karena saya sedang sibuk ini saya sedang ada proyek dan dinas di Surabaya, jadi mohon maaf untuk lamanya membalas email para Hikaru Fans, Ini Hack Tools By King yang keren banget ini bisa : Hack Perfect + Hack Change + Auto Beat UP + Perfecrt Line (Garis PF)

Jagan Lupa Ke Forum ini Thuthuathack
saya juga sudah menjadi moderator yang IDnya Shin ^^

Ini Hot Key Dan Tutorial Dalam B.Ing yang sudah saya artikan dari tadinya B.Viet

Modx AUVN 6065:

NOTE: GAME Audition. Be replaced by Hack OTHER BOARD
When using BAN Hack THIS! (Not HACKPER AND AUTO BEATUP the same time !

1.Prees len chon hack the path to the file in the directory Patcher.exe AU game!

2.Prees on the button "Hackper" To Start perfect hack!

3.Press on the button "Hack DEL" To Start hack hack bat DEL!

4.Press on the button "Beatup" To Start auto beatup!

5.Press on the button "CanhPer" To Start can'tperfect!

6.Nhan on the button "Auto Fix" de tu bat out across the fixloi AU (If you do not bat
this function to test when the AU game hack will also automatically ban bat dum!)!


F3 = (-) offset
F4 = (+) addset
F8: autoBU Pause
F9: Start autoBU
F11/F12: Select the hat while matches songs in the data you hack contest
when an will Auto


No-bat "Hackper" and "Auto Beatup at once while using the hack" because
will gay conflict system!

-When you press the button "exit" from the hack contest will automatically restore the file in the angle of the AU game
and out all the functions hack!

(The Hack is installed to exit the game to help reduce the significant lag when gaming AU!)

Cap each: the "Chat On Hack" help you chat exchange as familiar with
nguoi ban are using other hack of this!

+ Base name of the hack is ModxAU.exe neu ban
Rename the other hack will not work!

Credit By : King

Download Here !!!

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